It is Time To Go Outside Again!

Outdoor Sidekick is a mobile application to plan and coordinate group outdoor activities such as camping trips, running / biking teams, etc. The application and corresponding website allow community sharing of activity plans, campsite setups, trail markers, trail damage, and general information.
Trip Planning

Trip Planning

Import your campground reservation, quick and easy, and Outdoor Sidekick will automatically build an itinerary template for you to fill in and share.

Plan meals, activities, and group events while collaborating with your friends on who will bring what, who is cooking, and more.

The planning functions are not limited to camping, you can plan many types of events for your group - Ragnar race teams, multi-day hikes, fishing trips, just about anything!

Share Site Reviews And Setups

Share Site Reviews And Setups

Share moderated reviews of your camping experience and check reviews from other campers. Share details about how you setup the campsite to help others see the best layouts for the site depending on the camping equipment - number of tents, size of RV, placement of kitchen / grills, where to set up canopys or hammocks, etc.

Trail Reporting And Management

Trail Reporting And Management

Kinda of like Waze for trails! Report damage to trail sections such as downed trees, missing / damaged markers, or impassable areas.

Survey the trail ahead based on reports from other hikers and determine adjustments to expected hiking time or alter your course to go around sections of the trail.


"As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen"